ATS Innovators Speed Up Matches to Discover Algo-Liquidity
Dark pools catering to institutions have evolved with innovative methods of matching orders and faster matching engines to avoid moving the price after the trade. It’s also a sign of the intense competition brewing between off-exchange venues seeking to sign up brokers and institutions.
Key Takeaways from Institutional Investor 2021 International TraderForum
Input into FlexTrade’s development and product roadmaps across our multi-asset suite of EMS solutions comes from many sources. Of course, regular client meetings, discussions with consultants, and our ongoing internal investment in research and development …
FlexTrade Fully Integrates IHS Markit Pre-Trade TCA Data into FlexTRADER EMS
FlexTrade and IHS Markit collaborate to deliver an efficient and improved user experience for clients GREAT NECK, NY, 28 September, 2021 – FlexTrade Systems (@FlexTrade), a global leader in multi-asset execution and order management systems, …
Turquoise Plato connects to OpenFin to simplify complexity on the buy-side trader desktop
Responds to buy-side call for more efficient workflows and access to insightful data; delivers application interoperability and a more unified desktop experience for the buy-side trading desk London, 21 September 2021: OpenFin, the operating system …
FlexTrade First EMS to Integrate with Appital’s Pioneering Bookbuilding Platform
Integration sets the standard for future EMS integrations and enables buy-side firms to receive Appital opportunities directly into their current trading infrastructure London, 9 September, 2021 – Appital, the Equity Capital Marketplace, today announced that …
Fixed Income Trading Desk of the Future
Data is shaping the fixed-income trading desk of the future. Keeping up with the exponential rise in data from inbound liquidity, new issues, and pricing services has become a challenge for asset managers in an …
GameStop Saga Puts Focus on Inaccessible Liquidity
Now experts are saying that ‘inaccessible liquidity’ is costing institutional investors three times as much in transaction costs, and it’s affecting the calculations made by their algorithms such as volume weighted average price (VWAP) and percentage of volume (POV), which rely on overall volumes.
FlexTRADER EMS Now Offering Liquidnet Targeted Invitations
FlexTrade Systems, a global leader in multi-asset execution and order management systems, announces direct availability of Liquidnet’s Targeted Invitations in its multi-asset trading blotter for equities. The functionality provides traders with targeted natural liquidity from other Liquidnet buy-side members and selected brokers, directly into the parent order blotter.
Bond Algos Tap into ETF Liquidity and Efficiency Gains
Algorithmic trading has picked up steam in the corporate bond market as fixed income trading desks appear to follow the playbook of equities.
Treasury Trading Evolves with Bilateral Streaming
Electronic trading in the US Treasury secondary market is evolving and shifting, as non-bank liquidity providers and dealers participate on venues that offer bilateral streaming on a disclosed basis.
Buy Side Juggles Efficiency and Workflow in Search for Corporate Bond Liquidity
Corporate bond investors are seeking operational efficiencies on their fixed income trading desks to lower costs. As the search for liquidity across a fragmented credit trading marketplace remains a priority,-side firms are grappling with two distinct workflows – voice-based and electronic – in the $8 trillion corporate bond market.