FlexTrade Integrates Kensho Actionable Intelligence into FlexTRADER EMS
FlexTrade today announced the integration of Kensho Technologies pre-trade analytics solution into the FlexTRADER EMS, which provides a detailed, real-time event feed to assist a trader’s decision-making process when executing a trade.
Riding the Wave: Speed, Algos and Consolidation
By Ivy Schmerken, Editorial Director A wave of consolidation has hit high-speed trading firms and brokers in the past few months, and many are blaming low volatility and weak trading volumes in the face of …
Advanced Trading Analytics: A Look at TradeMap Execution Strategy Designer
When a buy-side trader turns on the execution management system in the morning, the blotter could have a large number of orders clamoring for attention. Determining a path for each order can be time consuming. …
New Excel Plugin Available for FlexEdge’s Predictive Analytics Solution
Do You Use Microsoft Excel to Assist With Your Trading Analytics? Microsoft Excel remains one of the most popular tools for quantitative analysis by virtue of its simplicity and accessibility. And since many of our …
Quants, Compliance and the Buy-Side OMS
OMS Challenges for the Buy-Side As hedge funds turn to a more active, quant-style of trading, they often need to run pre-trade compliance checks on hundreds if not thousands of names within seconds. But what …
Journal of Trading: Predicting Intraday Trading Volume and Volume Percentages
This article discusses recent techniques and results in the area of forecasting intraday trading volume and intraday trading volume percentages. Why predict volume? A major reason is to improve the performance of trading algorithms, many …