Jamie Benicasa
Sell-Side Technology Awards 2019: Best Automated Trading Platform—FlexTrade Systems
FlexTrade wins the best automated trading platform category at this year’s SST Awards, thanks to its FlexTRADER integrated multi-asset EMS and OMS.
FlexTrade Appoints Aaron Levine Vice President, OEMS Solutions
FlexTrade Systems, a global leader in multi-asset execution and order management systems, today announced the appointment of Aaron Levine Vice President, OEMS Solutions for North America.
FlexTrade Named Best Multi-Asset EMS and Best FX EMS by Markets Media
FlexTrade today announced the company was named Best Multi-Asset EMS and Best FX EMS provider at MarketsMedia’s Markets’ Choice Awards 2016 ceremony.
Execution Management Systems Come of Age
According to Jamie Benincasa, FlexTrade’s senior vice-president of global sales, this trend has gathered pace during the past 18 months and is likely to continue as larger buy-side firms choose to upgrade systems to achieve even greater efficiencies in their FX trading workflow.