WSL Institutional Trading Awards 2015 – FlexTrade Nominations
FlexTrade is proud to announce it has made the shortlist in four categories of this year’s WSL Institutional Trading Awards. The categories include: Trading Platform Best Equities Trading Platform – Broker Best Options Trading Platform – …
MarketsMedia: Market Structure Proposals Parsed
Proposed changes in market structure that have been advanced by two of the three biggest U.S. equity-exchange operators, such as reducing access fees and implementing a trade-at rule, represent a positive step in promoting competition …
Markets Media: FX Execution Costs Drive Tech Upgrades
For institutional asset managers, measuring foreign exchange trading costs has become imperative as the global FX market moves electronic. The emergence of FX transaction costs analysis (TCA) is directly attributable to the spread of algorithmic trading from equities to …
FlexTrade: Best Buy-Side Algorithmic / DMA Product
Waters Technology Awards Trying to pinpoint the best algorithmic or direct market access (DMA) provider to the buy side is a lot like picking among multiple choice answers on a law school entrance exam: Almost …
Themis Trading: Improving VWAP Performance
This morning’s note is intended to give a cursory refresher course on how VWAP works, talk about how typically our industry has gone about trying to improve VWAP performance, and finally to tell you how …
Journal of Trading: Predicting Intraday Trading Volume and Volume Percentages
This article discusses recent techniques and results in the area of forecasting intraday trading volume and intraday trading volume percentages. Why predict volume? A major reason is to improve the performance of trading algorithms, many …
e-FOREX: Which, When and Why – Taking a More Informed Approach to Algorithmic FX Trading
What is it about FX algorithms? You wait millennia for somebody to automate the global foreign-exchange market, and then all of a sudden you get dozens of smart, intelligent, intuitive, even educative FX-algo solutions all …
Thomson Reuters: Expands Buy-Side Equity Trading Capabilities in Thomson Reuters Eikon
Buy-side customers to gain aggregate view of broker liquidity and improved trade execution capabilities through integration of Autex Indications of Interest data and FlexTrade Execution Management System in Thomson Reuters flagship financial markets desktop NEW …
Markets Media: Institutions Face Options-Integration Challenge
The appetite for options trading among institutions is increasing as they seek to generate income, capture alpha from volatility, and hedge their equity portfolios. However, care must be exercised in integrating options trading into the …
Markets Media: Multi-Asset Trading Systems A Must-Have
Buy-side traders are melding multiple asset classes together onto a single trading platform as asset classes become increasingly connected. Futures and FX trading capabilities are especially in-demand by trading teams…
e-FOREX: Execution Algorithms – Where Innovation is Driving Demand in FX
Everything is back to normal in the FX market – but it’s a new normal. All around us, corporates are back to funding their cross-border operations; trading desks are back to taking orders and transacting; …